[1969] | ||
1 | The semantics of the Russian verb. Review of: Ju.D. Apresjan, Èksperimental'noe issledovanie semantiki russkogo glagola (Moskva: Nauka, 1967). Lingua 27/1 (1971), 53-81. | |
2 | Exacte methoden in de linguïstiek. Raster 3/2 (1969), 153-161. | |
[1970] | ||
3 | Sur l'identification des unités phonologiques du castillan. Linguistics 111 (1973), 43-50. | |
4 | Phonetics and phonemics of standard Russian. Tijdschrift voor Slavische Taal- en Letterkunde 2 (1973), 73-83. | |
5 | O fonologii sovremennogo pol'skogo literaturnogo jazyka. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 19/1 (1974), 53-58. | |
[1971] | ||
6 | Russian conjugation: Computer synthesis of Russian verb forms. Tijdschrift voor Slavische Taal- en Letterkunde 1 (1972), 51-80. | |
6a | Russian conjugation: Computer synthesis of Russian verbal forms (Lisse: Peter de Ridder, 1976). | |
6e | Russian conjugation: Computer synthesis of Russian verb forms (World Wide Web [pdf], 2012). | |
7 | Modelling the phoneme: New trends in East European phonemic theory (The Hague: Mouton, 1972). | |
[1972] | ||
8 | The identification of phonemic units. La Linguistique 9/2 (1973), 119-130. | |
9 | Optional features in contemporary Russian. Dutch contributions to the 7th international congress of slavists (The Hague: Mouton, 1973), 107-114. | |
10 | The flexion of the Russian substantive. (ms.) | |
[1973] | ||
11 | Tones in Wakashan. Dutch contributions to the 8th international conference on Salish languages (Leiden, 1973). | |
11a | Tones in Wakashan. Linguistics 146 (1975), 31-34. | |
12 | Russian nominal flexion. Linguistics 130 (1974), 55-70. | |
12e | Russian nominal flexion (World Wide Web [pdf], 2012). | |
13 | On the history of Baltic accentuation. Historical linguistics II (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1974), 295-309. | |
14 | Slavic accentuation: A study in relative chronology (Lisse: Peter de Ridder, 1975). | |
14a | Slavic accentuation: A study in relative chronology. Preprint (Amsterdam, 1974). | |
14e | Slavic accentuation: A study in relative chronology (World Wide Web [pdf], 2002). | |
[1974] | ||
15 | Old Prussian accentuation. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 88/2 (1974), 299-306. | |
16 | A note on Shuswap phonemics. Dutch contributions to the 9th international conference on Salish languages (Leiden, 1974). | |
17 | The Slovene neo-circumflex. The Slavonic and East European Review 54/1 (1976), 1-10. | |
18 | Notes on Armenian historical phonology I. Studia Caucasica 3 (1976), 91-100. | |
19 | Initial *u in Baltic and Slavic. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 91/1 (1977), 37-40. | |
[1975] | ||
20 | A note on the Armenian palatalization. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 89/1 (1975), 43-45. | |
21 | Jers and nasal vowels in the Freising Fragments. Slavistična Revija 23 (1975), 405-412. | |
22 | Albanian and Armenian. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 94 (1980), 243-251. | |
23 | I.-E. palatovelars before resonants in Balto-Slavic. Recent developments in historical phonology (The Hague: Mouton, 1978), 237-243. | |
23a | Comment on W. Winter's paper. Recent developments in historical phonology (The Hague: Mouton, 1978), 447. | |
24 | PIE. *gwH3iu- 'to live'. (ms.) | |
[1976] | ||
25 | Historical laws of Baltic accentuation. Baltistica 13/2 (1977), 319-330. | |
26 | Sur l'accentuation des noms postverbaux en slave. Dutch contributions to the 8th international congress of slavists (Lisse: Peter de Ridder, 1979), 325-328. | |
26a | The accentuation of suffixless deverbal nouns in Slavic. In: 275, 67-70. | |
27 | Zur Akzentuierung der Kiever Blätter. Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie 41/1 (1980), 1-4. | |
27a | The accentuation of the Kiev Leaflets. In: 275, 71-73. | |
[1977] | ||
28 | A history of Slavic accentuation. Review of: P. Garde, Histoire de l'accentuation slave (Paris: Institut d'études slaves, 1976). Lingua 44/1 (1978), 67-91. | |
29 | On the history of Slavic accentuation. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 92 (1978), 269-281. | |
30 | On the history of the genitive plural in Slavic, Baltic, Germanic, and Indo-European. Lingua 45 (1978), 281-300. | |
30e | On the history of the genitive plural in Slavic, Baltic, Germanic, and Indo-European (World Wide Web [pdf], 2008). | |
[1978] | ||
31 | Notes on Armenian historical phonology II: The second consonant shift. Studia Caucasica 4 (1978), 9-16. | |
31a | Patmahamematakan hnč'yunabanut'yan harc'er B: Hayereni patmakan hnč'yunabanut'yan aknark (Baɫajaynneri erkrord teɫašarž). [Voprosy istoriko-sravnitel'noj fonetiki II: Očerk istoričeskoj fonetiki armjanskogo jazyka (Vtoroe peredviženie soglasnyx).] Hayoc' Lezu ev Grakanut'yun [Armjanskij Jazyk i Literatura] (1983) 1, 63-70. | |
32 | Proto-Indo-European obstruents. Indogermanische Forschungen 83 (1978), 107-118. | |
33 | Toward a reconstruction of the Balto-Slavic verbal system. Lingua 49/1 (1979), 51-70. | |
34 | H2o and oH2. Lingua Posnaniensis 23 [Fs. Kudzinowski] (1980), 127-128. | |
35 | The Old Irish absolute and conjunct endings and questions of relative chronology. Ériu 30 (1979), 35-53. | |
36 | On the history of the Slavic nasal vowels. Indogermanische Forschungen 84 (1979), 259-272. | |
[1979] | ||
37 | Review of: R. L'Hermitte, La phrase nominale en russe (Paris: Institut d'études slaves, 1978). Lingua 48 (1979), 289-291. | |
38 | Glottalic consonants in Sindhi and Proto-Indo-European. Indo-Iranian Journal 23/1 (1981), 15-19. | |
39 | Review of: A. Vaillant, Grammaire comparée des langues slaves V: La syntaxe (Paris: Klincksieck, 1977). Lingua 48 (1979), 393-394. | |
40 | Three problems of Balto-Slavic phonology. Zbornik za Filologiju i Lingvistiku 22/2 (1979), 57-63. | |
41 | Review of: M. Hasiuk, Fonologia litewskiej gwary sejneńskiej (Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1978). Lingua 49 (1979), 266-267. | |
42 | On the relative chronology of Armenian sound changes. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Armenian linguistics (Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books, 1980), 97-106. | |
42a | Patmahamematakan hnč'yunabanut'yan harc'er A: Hayereni hnč'yunap'oxut'yunneri haraberakan žamanakagrut'yan masin. [Voprosy istoriko-sravnitel'noj fonetiki I: Ob otnositel'noj xronologii čeredovanij v armjanskom jazyke.] Hayoc' Lezu ev Grakanut'yun [Armjanskij Jazyk i Literatura] (1983) 1, 54-62. | |
[1980] | ||
43 | Review of: V.M. Illich-Svitych, Nominal accentuation in Baltic and Slavic (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1979). Lingua 51/4 (1980), 346-354. | |
44 | 1st sg. middle *-H₂. Indogermanische Forschungen 86 (1981), 123-136. | |
45 | Review of: E. Stankiewicz, Studies in Slavic morphophonemics and accentology (Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 1979). Lingua 52 (1980), 198-200. | |
46 | More evidence for Italo-Celtic. Ériu 32 (1981), 1-22. | |
47 | Temporal gradation and temporal limitation. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 1 [Fs. Ebeling] (1980), 237-246. | |
47e | Temporal gradation and temporal limitation (World Wide Web [pdf], 2003). | |
48 | On the Armenian personal endings. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 2 (1981), 29-34. | |
49 | Proto-Indo-European verbal syntax. Journal of Indo-European Studies 11 (1983), 307-324. | |
49e | Proto-Indo-European verbal syntax (World Wide Web [pdf], 2008). | |
50 | Innovations which betray archaisms. Baltistica 18/1 (1982), 4-9. | |
[1981] | ||
51 | Phonemicization and rephonemicization of the Old Irish mutations. Ériu 33 (1982), 73-83. | |
52 | Sravnitel'no-istoričeskie kommentarii k bolgarskomu udareniju. Zbornik za Filologiju i Lingvistiku 25/1 (1982), 91-96. | |
52a | Sravnitel'no-istoričeskie kommentarii k bolgarskomu udareniju. Părvi meždunarodni kongres po bălgaristika. Dokladi I: Istoričeski razvoj na bălgarskija ezik (Sofija: BAN, 1983), 169-176. | |
52b | Bulgarian accentuation. In: 275, 111-115. | |
53 | Review of: J. Marvan, Prehistoric Slavic contraction (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1979). Lingua 56/1 (1982), 98-100. | |
54 | IE *pt in Slavic. Folia Linguistica Historica 3/1 (1982), 25-28. | |
55 | On final syllables in Slavic. Journal of Indo-European Studies 11 (1983), 167-185. | |
56 | A rejoinder. Lingua 56/2 (1982), 182-183. | |
[1982] | ||
57 | Linguistic theory, universals, and Slavic accentuation. Folia Linguistica Historica 4/1 (1983), 27-43. | |
58 | Early dialectal diversity in South Slavic I. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 2: South Slavic and Balkan linguistics (1982), 177-192. | |
58e | Early dialectal diversity in South Slavic I (World Wide Web [pdf], 2003). | |
59 | K ustanovleniju otnositel'noj xronologii vozniknovenija bolgarskogo dialekta praslavjanskogo jazyka. Palaeobulgarica / Starobălgaristika 8/1 (1984), 106-111. | |
60 | Greek numerals and PIE glottalic consonants. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 42 (1983), 97-104. | |
61 | Notes on Armenian historical phonology III: h-. Studia Caucasica 5 (1983), 9-16. | |
62 | Proto-Armenian case endings. International symposium on Armenian linguistics: Reports [Meždunarodnyj simpozium po armjanskomu jazykoznaniju: Doklady] (Erevan: AN Arm. SSR, 1984), 97-106. | |
62a | Naxahayereni holovakan verǰavorut'yunnerə. [Padežnye okončanija protoarmjanskogo jazyka.] Banber Erevani Hamalsarani [Vestnik Erevanskogo Universiteta] (1983) 1/49, 64-70. | |
63 | Demonstrative pronouns in Balto-Slavic, Armenian, and Tocharian. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 3: Dutch contributions to the 9th international congress of slavists: Linguistics (1983), 311-322. | |
64 | Long vowels in Balto-Slavic. Baltistica 21/2 (1985), 112-124. | |
[1983] | ||
65 | Archaic ablaut patterns in the Vedic verb. Festschrift for Henry Hoenigswald (Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1987), 219-223. | |
66 | Od praindoevropskog jezika do slovenskog (fonološki razvoj). Zbornik za Filologiju i Lingvistiku 32/2 (1989), 41-58. | |
66a | From Proto-Indo-European to Slavic. Journal of Indo-European Studies 22 (1994), 91-112. | |
66b | From Proto-Indo-European to Slavic. In: 275, 157-176. | |
66e | From Proto-Indo-European to Slavic (World Wide Web [pdf], 2002). | |
67 | A parasitological view of non-constructible sets. Studia linguistica diachronica et synchronica [Fs. Winter] (Berlin: Mouton, 1985), 477-483. | |
67e | A parasitological view of non-constructible sets (World Wide Web [pdf], 2003). | |
68 | Old Irish subjunctives and futures and their Proto-Indo-European origins. Ériu 35 (1984), 179-187. | |
69 | On reduced vowels in Slavic. Zbornik za Filologiju i Lingvistiku 27-28 [Fs. Ivić] (1984-85), 367-368. | |
70 | Posttonic *w in Old Irish. Ériu 37 (1986), 89-92. | |
71 | The origin of the Slavic imperfect. Festschrift für Herbert Bräuer zum 65. Geburtstag (Köln: Böhlau, 1986), 253-258. | |
72 | Vestjysk stød, Icelandic preaspiration, and Proto-Indo-European glottalic stops. Languages and cultures: Studies in honor of Edgar C. Polomé (Berlin: Mouton, 1988), 353-357. | |
[1984] | ||
73 | PIE. *H- in Armenian. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 5 (1984), 41-43. | |
74 | The progressive palatalization of Slavic. Folia Linguistica Historica 5/2 (1984), 211-219. | |
75 | Proto-Indo-European glottalic stops: The comparative evidence. Folia Linguistica Historica 6/2 (1985), 183-201. | |
75a | Praindoevropejskie glottalizovannye smyčnye (Sravnitel'no-istoričeskie dannye). Voprosy Jazykoznanija (1985) 4, 43-53. | |
76 | Notes on Armenian historical phonology IV. Studia Caucasica 6 (1985), 9-11. | |
77 | Arm. artawsr 'tear'. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 6 [Fs. Djahukian] (1985), 59-61. | |
78 | Old Prussian infinitives in -ton and -twei. Symposium Balticum: A Festschrift to honour Professor Velta Rūķe-Draviņa (Hamburg: Helmut Buske, 1990), 213-218. | |
79 | Semiotactics as a Van Wijngaarden grammar. Signs of friendship: To honour A.G.F. van Holk, slavist, linguist, semiotician (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1984), 183-186. | |
79e | Semiotactics as a Van Wijngaarden grammar (World Wide Web [pdf], 2003). | |
80 | Proto-Indo-European tones? Journal of Indo-European Studies 14 (1986), 153-160. | |
81 | The syncretism of nominative and accusative singular in Armenian. Revue des Études Arméniennes, n.s. 19 (1985), 19-24. | |
82 | Slavic imamĭ. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 31-32 [Fs. Birnbaum] (1985), 235-239. | |
83 | Comment on R. Orr's view. Journal of Indo-European Studies 14 (1986), 184. | |
[1985] | ||
84 | The origin of the Old English dialects. Linguistics across historical and geographical boundaries I: Linguistic theory and historical linguistics [Fs. Fisiak] (Berlin: Mouton, 1986), 437-442. | |
85 | Armenian and Albanian. La place de l'arménien dans les langues indo-européennes (Leuven: Peeters, 1986), 38-47. | |
86 | Lachmann's law. The new sound of Indo-European: Essays in phonological reconstruction (Berlin: Mouton, 1989), 103-105. | |
87 | The formation of the Old Prussian present tense. Baltistica 23/2 (1987), 104-111. | |
88 | The Germanic first class of weak verbs. North-Western European Language Evolution 8 (1986), 27-31. | |
88e | The Germanic first class of weak verbs (World Wide Web [pdf], 2009). | |
89 | Review of: P. Anreiter, Bemerkungen zu den Reflexen indogermanischer Dentale im Tocharischen (Innsbruck: IBS, 1984). Bibliotheca Orientalis 43 (1986), 557-560. | |
[1986] | ||
90 | Notes on Armenian historical phonology V. Studia Caucasica 7 (1987), 61-65. | |
91 | Nominal accentuation in contemporary standard Russian. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 8: Dutch studies in Russian linguistics (1986), 367-371. | |
92 | Sigmatic or root aorist? Annual of Armenian Linguistics 8 (1987), 49-52. | |
93 | The laryngeal theory and Slavic accentuation. Die Laryngaltheorie und die Rekonstruktion des indogermanischen Laut- und Formensystems (Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1988), 299-311. | |
[1987] | ||
94 | PIE. *s in Albanian. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 10: Dutch studies in South Slavic and Balkan linguistics (1987), 219-226. | |
95 | On the development of PIE. final syllables in Tocharian. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 2 (1988), 80-88. | |
96 | The Tocharian word for 'woman'. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 2 (1988), 77-79. | |
97 | The Aeolic optative. Rekonstruktion und relative Chronologie: Akten der 8. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft [Leiden, 1987] (Innsbruck: IBS, 1992), 235-239. | |
98 | The Greek 3rd pl. endings. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 49 (1988), 63-69. | |
99 | Lithuanian statýti and related formations. Baltistica 25/2 (1989), 104-112. | |
[1988] | ||
100 | Remarks on Winter's law. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 11: Dutch contributions to the 10th international congress of slavists: Linguistics (1988), 387-396. | |
101 | The Thraco-Armenian consonant shift. Linguistique Balkanique / Balkansko Ezikoznanie 31 (1988), 71-74. | |
102 | Proto-Germanic obstruents. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 27 (1988), 3-10. | |
102a | Nieuw licht op de Germaanse klankverschuivingen. Mededelingenblad van de Vereniging van Oudgermanisten 2/2 (1988), 23. | |
103 | Van Wijk's Altpreussische Studien revisited. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 12 [Gs. van Wijk] (1988), 89-97. | |
104 | The making of a puzzle. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 10 (1989), 43-52. | |
105 | The Germanic third class of weak verbs. North-Western European Language Evolution 15 (1990), 3-10. | |
106 | On methods of dealing with facts and opinions in a treatment of the progressive palatalization of Slavic. Folia Linguistica Historica 9/2 (1989), 3-12. | |
107 | Der polabische Wortakzent. Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie 49/1 (1989), 163-170. | |
107a | Polabian accentuation. In: 275, 193-197. | |
107e | Polabian accentuation (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
108 | The accentuation of neuter nouns in Slovene and West Bulgarian. Slavistična Revija 37 [Gs. Rigler] (1989), 31-37. | |
108e | The accentuation of neuter nouns in Slovene and West Bulgarian (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
[1989] | ||
109 | The Germanic weak preterit. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 28 (1989), 101-109. | |
109e | The Germanic weak preterit (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
110 | Tokie šalti rytai. Baltistica 28/1 (1993), 45-48. | |
111 | The spread of the Indo-Europeans. Journal of Indo-European Studies 18 (1990), 131-140. | |
111e | The spread of the Indo-Europeans (World Wide Web [pdf], 2002). | |
112 | Eight Indo-Uralic verbs? Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 50 (1989), 79-85. | |
112a | Vosem' indo-ural'skix glagolov? Voprosy Jazykoznanija (1992) 1, 101-104. | |
113 | On the meaning of the Japanese passive. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 24 (1992), 97-108. | |
113e | On the meaning of the Japanese passive (World Wide Web [pdf], 2003). | |
[1990] | ||
114 | The fate of the sigmatic aorist in Tocharian. Tocharisch: Akten der Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft [Berlin, 1990]. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies, suppl. 4 (Reykjavík: Málvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 1994), 61-65. | |
115 | The Germanic seventh class of strong verbs. North-Western European Language Evolution 18 (1991), 97-100. | |
116 | Arm. canawt' 'known'. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 12 (1991), 1-4. | |
117 | The Old Norse i-umlaut. North-Western European Language Evolution 20 (1992), 27-31. | |
[1991] | ||
118 | A note on the Tocharian dual. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 5 (1991), 5-10. | |
119 | Kluge's law and the rise of Proto-Germanic geminates. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 34 (1991), 1-4. | |
120 | The Germanic fifth class of strong verbs. North-Western European Language Evolution 19 (1992), 101-107. | |
121 | Le statif indo-européen en slave. Revue des Études Slaves 64/3 [Gs. Lépissier] (1992), 373-376. | |
121a | The Indo-European stative in Slavic. In: 275, 207-209. | |
[1992] | ||
122 | The Germanic sixth class of strong verbs. North-Western European Language Evolution 23 (1994), 69-73. | |
123 | Old High German umlaut. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 37 (1993), 19-20. | |
124 | On breaking. North-Western European Language Evolution 24 (1994), 15-19. | |
125 | The origin of the Japanese and Korean accent systems. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 26 (1993), 57-65. | |
125a | The origin of the Japanese and Korean accent systems. Transeurasian linguistics, vol. II: Phonology (London: Routledge, 2017), 269-276. | |
125e | The origin of the Japanese and Korean accent systems (World Wide Web [pdf], 2003). | |
[1993] | ||
126 | Proto-Armenian numerals. In honorem Holger Pedersen: Kolloquium der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft [Kopenhagen, 1993] (Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1994), 253-257. | |
127 | Intervocalic *-w- in Armenian. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 14 (1993), 9-13. | |
128 | The Proto-Germanic pluperfect. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 40 (1994), 1-5. | |
128e | The Proto-Germanic pluperfect (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
129 | Absolute and conjunct again. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 55 (1994), 61-68. | |
130 | General linguistics and Indo-European reconstruction. Rask 2 (1995), 91-109. | |
130e | General linguistics and Indo-European reconstruction (World Wide Web [pdf], 2002). | |
[1994] | ||
131 | The accentual system of the Freising manuscripts. Zbornik Brižinski spomeniki (Ljubljana: SAZU, 1996), 141-151. | |
132 | The etymology of Latvian nãkt 'to come'. Linguistica Baltica 3 (1994), 191-193. | |
133 | Palatalization of dentals in Armenian. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 15 (1994), 27-31. | |
134 | On the accent marks in the First Freising Fragment. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 23: Studies in South Slavic and Balkan linguistics (1996), 167-171. | |
134a | O naglasnih znamenjih v Brižinskem spomeniku I. Slavistična Revija 42/4 (1994), 579-581. | |
135 | The Germanic fourth class of weak verbs. North-Western European Language Evolution 25 (1995), 137-139. | |
136 | Lithuanian verbs in -auti and -uoti. Linguistica Baltica 4 [Gs. Kuryłowicz] (1995), 141-143. | |
137 | The sigmatic forms of the Armenian verb. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 16 (1995), 13-17. | |
[1995] | ||
138 | The High German consonant shift. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 46 (1996), 53-57. | |
138a | Korrektur. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 47 (1997), 231. | |
139 | The Proto-Armenian verbal system. Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Armenian linguistics (Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books, 1996), 35-43. | |
140 | The development of the Prussian language in the 16th century. Baltistik: Aufgaben und Methoden (Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1998), 55-76. | |
140e | The development of the Prussian language in the 16th century (World Wide Web [pdf], 2006). | |
141 | PIE. lengthened grade in Balto-Slavic. Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp, vol. II [Journal of Indo-European Studies, monograph 25] (1997), 26-31. | |
142 | How old is the English glottal stop? North-Western European Language Evolution 31-32: Germanic studies in honor of Anatoly Liberman (1997), 175-179. | |
142a | Glottalisatie. NRC Handelsblad (21 juni 1997), 51. | |
143 | Labials, velars and labiovelars in Germanic. North-Western European Language Evolution 30 (1997), 45-50. | |
144 | The alleged early apocope of *-i in Celtic. Études Celtiques 32 (1996), 91-97. | |
[1996] | ||
145 | The dual endings of the Indo-European verb. Studia Indogermanica Lodziensia 2 (1999), 71-73. | |
146 | PIE. *j in Albanian. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 23: Studies in South Slavic and Balkan linguistics (1996), 173-176. | |
147 | Review of: Chr. Ehret, Reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic (Proto-Afrasian): Vowels, tone, consonants, and vocabulary (Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1995). Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 17 (1996), 183-189. | |
148 | Arm. całr 'laughter'. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 17 (1996), 55-59. | |
149 | The Tocharian imperfect. Historische Sprachforschung 109/2 (1996), 169-174. | |
150 | Thematic and athematic verb forms in Old Irish. Sound law and analogy: Papers in honor of Robert S.P. Beekes on the occasion of his 60th birthday (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1997), 133-137. | |
151 | The Prussian Catechismus I: An electronic text edition (World Wide Web [html], 1996). | |
151a | The Prussian Catechismus I. In: 263, 309-312. | |
152 | The Prussian Catechismus II: An electronic text edition (World Wide Web [html], 1996). | |
152a | The Prussian Catechismus II. In: 263, 313-316. | |
153 | The Prussian Enchiridion: An electronic text edition (world Wide Web [html], 1996). | |
153a | The Prussian Enchiridion. In: 263, 317-370. | |
154 | The Freising Manuscripts: An electronic text edition (World Wide Web [html], 1996). | |
155 | Two Old Prussian fragments. Baltistik: Aufgaben und Methoden (Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1998), 115-119. | |
156 | Are Mongolian and Tungus genetically related? Acta Orientalia (Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae) 51 (1998), 235-237. | |
156a | Are Mongolian and Tungus genetically related? International Journal of Central Asian Studies 3 (1998), 61-65. | |
156e | Are Mongolian and Tungus genetically related? (World Wide Web [pdf], 2006). | |
157 | Old Irish ol 'inquit'. Études Celtiques 32 (1996), 143-145. | |
158 | Syntax and semantics in the history of Chinese. The Journal of Intercultural Studies [Osaka] 25 (1998), 167-176. | |
158e | Syntax and semantics in the history of Chinese (World Wide Web [pdf], 2002). | |
159 | The Elbing Vocabulary: An electronic text edition (World Wide Web [html], 1996). | |
160 | Simon Grunau's Vocabulary: An electronic text edition (World Wide Web [html], 1996). . | |
161 | Japanese aru, iru, oru 'to be'. Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 2 (1997), 167-170. | |
161e | Japanese aru, iru, oru 'to be' (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
162 | Indo-European and Chinese: A comment on E.G. Pulleyblank's view. International Review of Chinese Linguistics 1/1 (1996), 30-31. | |
163 | Kazania Świętokrzyskie: An electronic text edition (World Wide Web [html], 1996). | |
163a | (with Jos Schaeken) Kazania Świętokrzyskie: A text edition. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 24: Dutch contributions to the 12th international congress of slavists: Linguistics (1998), 317-327. | |
164 | Rounded nasal vowels in the Freising Fragments. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 24: Dutch contributions to the 12th international congress of slavists: Linguistics (1998), 309-315. | |
164a | Zaokroženi nosni samoglasniki v Brižinskih spomenikih. Slavistična Revija 44/4 (1996), 393-398. | |
[1997] | ||
165 | Review of: V.E. Orel & O.V. Stolbova, Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary: Materials for a Reconstruction (Leiden: Brill, 1995). Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 20/2 (1999), 198-203. | |
166 | Who is who in the Old Prussian epigram? Baltistik: Aufgaben und Methoden (Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1998), 127-128. | |
167 | On the relative chronology of Celtic sound changes. Historische Sprachforschung 110/2 (1997), 248-251. | |
168 | Lachmann's law again. Language change and typological variation: In honor of Winfred P. Lehmann on the occasion of his 83rd birthday, vol. I: Language change and phonology [Journal of Indo-European Studies, monograph 30] (1999), 246-248. | |
169 | The Old Prussian preterit. ΠΟΛΥΤΡΟΠΟΝ [Fs. Toporov] (Moskva: Indrik, 1998), 144-147. | |
170 | Arm. nēr 'sister-in-law'. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 18 (1997), 7-9. | |
171 | De buren van onze voorouders. Spinoza 97 (Den Haag: NWO, 1997), 9-17. | |
171a | De talen van de wereld. Hypothese 14 (september 1997), 3. | |
172 | The language of the Old Prussian catechisms. Res Balticae 4 (1998), 117-129. | |
173 | Baltic ē- and ī/jā-stems. Baltistica 32/2 (1997), 157-163. | |
174 | Review of: M. Fortescue, Indo-European reflections (Copenhagen: Reitzel, 1996). Language 74/3 (1998), 685-686. | |
175 | The rise and fall of glottalization in Baltic and Slavic. Linguistica Baltica 7 (1998), 147-150. | |
[1998] | ||
176 | The development of *y- in Armenian. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 19 (1998), 15-18. | |
177 | Voorwoord. De grote taalatlas (Haarlem: Schuyt, 1998), 6-7. | |
178 | Arm. gom 'am'. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 19 (1998), 19-20. | |
179 | Armenian glottalization revisited. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 19 (1998), 11-14. | |
180 | The origin of the Old English dialects revisited. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 51 (1999), 45-51. | |
181 | Paragogic -e in the Old Prussian epigram. Baltistica 33/1 (1998), 39-40. | |
182 | Old Norse taka, Gothic tekan, Greek τεταγών. North-Western European Language Evolution 36 (2000), 59-65. | |
183 | Reflexes of Indo-European consonants in Albanian. Orpheus 8 (1998), 35-37. | |
184 | Double consonants in Old Prussian. Res Balticae 5 (1999), 75-80. | |
185 | An analysis of the Prussian First Catechism. Ponto-Baltica 8-9 (1998-1999), 7-14. | |
[1999] | ||
186 | Old Prussian verb classes. Baltistica 34/1 (1999), 17-21. | |
187 | An Indo-European substratum in Slavic? Languages in prehistoric Europe (Heidelberg: Winter, 2003), 253-260. | |
188 | Accent and ablaut in the Vedic verb. Indo-Iranian Journal 47/1 (2004), 7-15. | |
188e | Accent and ablaut in the Vedic verb (World Wide Web [pdf], 2004). | |
189 | Three notes on the Old Irish verb. Études Celtiques 34 (1998-2000), 143-146. | |
190 | Initial a- and e- in Old Prussian. Linguistica Baltica 8 (2000), 125-127. | |
191 | Japanese wa, mo, ga, wo, na, no. Proceedings of the second conference on Japanese linguistics and language teaching (Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale, 2007), 179-186. | |
191e | Japanese wa, mo, ga, wo, na, no (World Wide Web [pdf], 2002). | |
192 | Preaspiration or preglottalization? Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 53 (2000), 7-10. | |
193 | The Armenian causative. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 20 (1999-2000), 47-49. | |
[2000] | ||
194 | Armeniaca: Comparative notes (Ann Arbor: Caravan, 2003). | |
194a | Introduction. In: 194, vii-ix. | |
195 | Old Prussian participles. Res Balticae 6 (2000), 69-75. | |
196 | The Prussian accent shift. Baltistica 34/2 (2000), 193-197. | |
197 | On Russenorsk. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 54 (2000), 123-127. | |
197e | On Russenorsk (World Wide Web [pdf], 2002). | |
198 | The origin of the Goths. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 55 (2001), 21-25. | |
198e | The origin of the Goths (World Wide Web [pdf], 2002). | |
[2001] | ||
199 | Diphthongization and monophthongization in Old Prussian. Res Balticae 7 (2001), 57-65. | |
200 | Arm. ariwn 'blood'. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 21 (2001), 11-12. | |
201 | OPr. -snā, Lith. -sena, Latv. -šana. Mvnera lingvistica et philologica Michaeli Hasivk dedicata [= Poznańskie Studia Bałtystyczne 1] (Poznań: Katedra Skandynawistyki i Baltologii UAM, 2001), 137-139. | |
202 | Initial laryngeals in Anatolian. Orpheus 13-14 [Gs. Rikov] (2003-04), 9-12. | |
202e | Initial laryngeals in Anatolian (World Wide Web [pdf], 2003). | |
203 | The Indo-Uralic verb. Finno-Ugrians and Indo-Europeans: Linguistic and literary contacts [= Studia Fenno-Ugrica Groningana 2] (Maastricht: Shaker, 2002), 217-227. | |
203e | The Indo-Uralic verb (World Wide Web [pdf], 2001). | |
204 | Old Prussian numerals. Baltu Filoloģija 11/1 (2002), 43-46. | |
[2002] | ||
205 | Nivkh as a Uralo-Siberian language. Per aspera ad asteriscos [Fs. Rasmussen] (Innsbruck: IBS, 2004), 285-289. | |
205e | Nivkh as a Uralo-Siberian language (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
206 | The origin and nature of the linguistic parasite. Language in time and space [Fs. Winter] (Berlin: Mouton, 2003), 241-244. | |
206e | The origin and nature of the linguistic parasite (World Wide Web [pdf], 2003). | |
207 | ||
207e | Bad theory, wrong conclusions: M. Halle on Slavic accentuation (World Wide Web [pdf], 2003). | |
208 | Early dialectal diversity in South Slavic II. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 30: Dutch contributions to the 13th international congress of slavists: Linguistics (2003), 215-235. | |
208e | Early dialectal diversity in South Slavic II (World Wide Web [pdf], 2003). | |
209 | Indo-European e-, a-, o- in Slavic. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 44-45 [Gs. Birnbaum] (2002-03), 279-282. | |
209e | Indo-European e-, a-, o- in Slavic (World Wide Web [pdf], 2005). | |
210 | Old Irish feda, gen. fedot 'Lord' and the 1st sg. absolute ending -a in subjunctives and futures. In: 239, 129-132. | |
210a | Old Irish feda, gen. fedot 'Lord' and the 1st sg. absolute ending -a in subjunctives and futures. Études Celtiques 36 (2008), 115-118. |
211 | Glottalization, preaspiration and gemination in English and Scandinavian. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 58 (2003), 5-10. | |
211e | Glottalization, preaspiration and gemination in English and Scandinavian (World Wide Web [pdf], 2004). | |
212 | Early Runic consonants and the origin of the younger futhark. North-Western European Language Evolution 43 (2003), 71-76. | |
[2003] | ||
213 | Indo-Uralic consonant gradation. Etymologie, Entlehnungen und Entwicklungen [Fs. Koivulehto] (Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 2004), 163-170. |
213e | Indo-Uralic consonant gradation (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
214 | Shortening and metatony in the Lithuanian future. Baltistica 37/1 (2002), 15-16. | |
214e | Shortening and metatony in the Lithuanian future (World Wide Web [pdf], 2004). | |
215 | The linguistic position of the Prussian Second Catechism. Baltistica 37/2 (2002), 205-209. | |
215e | The linguistic position of the Prussian Second Catechism (World Wide Web [pdf], 2004). | |
[2004] | ||
216 | Indo-Uralic and Altaic. In: 272, 415-418. | |
216e | Indo-Uralic and Altaic (World Wide Web [pdf], 2006). | |
217 | The inflexion of the Indo-European ā-stems in Germanic. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 60 (2005), 1-4. |
218 | Balto-Slavic accentuation: Some news travels slowly. Baltistica 39/1 (2004), 13-17. | |
218e | Balto-Slavic accentuation: Some news travels slowly (World Wide Web [pdf], 2004). | |
219 | The inflexion of the Germanic n-stems. North-Western European Language Evolution 48 (2006), 3-7. | |
220 | Final stress in Balto-Slavic mobile paradigms. Baltu Filoloģija 13/1 (2004), 71-74. | |
221 | On the accentuation of the illative. Baltu Filoloģija 14/1 (2005), 67-69. | |
[2005] | ||
222 | From Serbo-Croatian to Indo-European. Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch 51 (2005), 113-130. |
222e | From Serbo-Croatian to Indo-European (World Wide Web [pdf], 2005). | |
223 | Hittite ammuk 'me'. Orpheus 15 (2005), 7-10. | |
223e | Hittite ammuk 'me' (World Wide Web [pdf], 2005). | |
224 | Holger Pedersen's Études lituaniennes revisited. Baltistica 6 priedas (2005), 151-157. | |
224e | Holger Pedersen's Études lituaniennes revisited (World Wide Web [pdf], 2005). | |
225 | Germanic *ē1 and *ē2. North-Western European Language Evolution 49 (2006), 51-54. | |
226 | Miscellaneous remarks on Balto-Slavic accentuation. Tones and theories: Proceedings of the international workshop on Balto-Slavic accentology (Zagreb: Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, 2007), 229-235. |
226e | Miscellaneous remarks on Balto-Slavic accentuation (World Wide Web [pdf], 2006). | |
227 | Noises and nuisances in Balto-Slavic and Indo-European linguistics. Baltistica 40/1 (2005), 9-11. | |
227e | Noises and nuisances in Balto-Slavic and Indo-European linguistics (World Wide Web [pdf], 2005). | |
228 | Lithuanian tekėti and related formations. Baltistica 40/2 (2005), 167-170. | |
228e | Lithuanian tekėti and related formations (World Wide Web [pdf], 2006). | |
229 | The origin of the Franconian tone accents. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 63 (2007), 1-3. | |
230 | Proto-Germanic obstruents and the comparative method. North-Western European Language Evolution 52 (2007), 3-7. | |
[2006] | ||
231 | More on the Celtic verb. In: 239, 133-147. |
232 | Italo-Celtic. In: 239, 149-157. |
233 | On the relative chronology of Slavic accentual developments. Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch 52 (2006), 25-41. |
233e | On the relative chronology of Slavic accentual developments (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
234 | Balto-Slavic accentual mobility. Baltistica 41/3 (2006), 359-369. | |
234e | Balto-Slavic accentual mobility (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
235 | English bottom, German Boden, and the chronology of sound shifts. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 63 (2007), 5-8. | |
236 | Accent retraction and tonogenesis. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 35: Stressing the past: Papers on Baltic and Slavic accentology (2009), 75-82. | |
236e | Accent retraction and tonogenesis (World Wide Web [pdf], 2006). | |
237 | Old Prussian verb classes reconsidered. Res Balticae 11 (2007), 29-33. | |
238 | Anglo-Frisian. North-Western European Language Evolution 54-55 (2008), 265-278. | |
239 | Italo-Celtic origins and prehistoric development of the Irish language (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007). | |
239a | Introduction. In: 239, ix-xi. |
239b | Old Irish verbal paradigms. In: 239, 159-178. |
240 | Gothic gen.pl. -e. Historische Sprachforschung 120 (2007), 237-240. | |
240e | Gothic gen.pl. -e (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
[2007] | ||
241 | Hittite hi-verbs and the Indo-European perfect. In: 272, 373-382. | |
241e | Hittite hi-verbs and the Indo-European perfect (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
242 | Winter's law again. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 37: Accent matters: Papers on Balto-Slavic accentology (2011), 245-250. | |
242e | Winter's law again (World Wide Web [pdf], 2007). | |
243 | For Bernard Comrie. Bernard's birthday book: Die etwas andere Festschrift (Leipzig: MPI-EvA, 2007), 57. |
244 | Stative and middle in Hittite and Indo-European. In: 272, 383-386. | |
245 | The development of the Indo-European syllabic resonants in Balto-Slavic. Baltistica 42/1 (2007), 7-12. |
246 | Russian syntax and semantics. Russian Linguistics 32 (2008), 115-123. |
246e | Russian syntax and semantics (World Wide Web [pdf], 2016). | |
247 | C.C. Uhlenbeck on Indo-European, Uralic and Caucasian. Historische Sprachforschung 122 (2009), 39-47. | |
247e | C.C. Uhlenbeck on Indo-European, Uralic and Caucasian (World Wide Web [pdf], 2008). | |
248 | Arm. ewł 'oil'. Aramazd 3/1 (2008), 40-41. | |
249 | Slavic historical morphology: Nominal paradigms. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 34: Dutch contributions to the 14th international congress of slavists: Linguistics (2008), 397-429. |
250 | Björketorp and Stentoften. North-Western European Language Evolution 53 (2008), 19-27. |
251 | The origin of the vestjysk stød. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 65 (2009), 1-4. | |
252 | Issues in Balto-Slavic accentology. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 37: Accent matters: Papers on Balto-Slavic accentology (2011), 359-366. | |
252e | Issues in Balto-Slavic accentology (World Wide Web [pdf], 2008). | |
[2008] | ||
253 | Balto-Slavic phonological developments. Baltistica 43/1 (2008), 5-15. |
253e | Balto-Slavic phonological developments (World Wide Web [pdf], 2008). | |
254 | The origin of the Indo-Iranian desiderative. Indologica [Gs. Elizarenkova] (Moskva: RGGU, 2008), 227-230. |
255 | Rise and development of Slavic accentual paradigms. Baltische und slavische Prosodie (Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 2011), 89-98. | |
255e | Rise and development of Slavic accentual paradigms (World Wide Web [pdf], 2008). | |
256 | Indo-Uralic and Altaic revisited. Transeurasian verbal morphology in a comparative perspective: genealogy, contact, chance [= Turcologica 78] (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010), 153-164. | |
256e | Indo-Uralic and Altaic revisited (World Wide Web [pdf], 2016). | |
257 | Some points of discussion in Slavic historical linguistics. Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch 55 (2009), 185-190. | |
258 | The Old Prussian personal endings. In: 263, 307-308. |
259 | Old Prussian diphthongs. In: 263, 265-267. | |
260 | Old Prussian pronouns. In: 263, 305-306. | |
[2009] | ||
261 | The Baltic word for 'in'. Baltistica 44/1 (2009), 33-35. | |
262 | West Slavic accentuation. From present to past and back: Papers on Baltic and Slavic accentology (Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 2011), 86-107. | |
262e | West Slavic accentuation (World Wide Web [pdf], 2009). | |
263 | Baltica & Balto-Slavica (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2009). | |
263a | Introduction. In: 263, xi-xiv. | |
264 | All's well that ends well. Baltistica 44/1 (2009), 59-63. | |
264e | All's well that ends well (World Wide Web [pdf], 2009). | |
265 | Glottalization and tonogenesis in Athabaskan, Balto-Slavic and Germanic. Suvremena Lingvistika 69 = 36/1 (2010), 37-44. |
266 | Vestjysk stød again. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 66 (2010), 29-32. | |
267 | Balto-Slavic accentuation revisited. Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch 56 (2010), 61-81. | |
267e | Balto-Slavic accentuation revisited (World Wide Web [pdf], 2009). | |
268 | More on the chronology of Celtic sound changes. Lublin Studies in Celtic Languages 7: Formal and historical approaches to Celtic languages (2011), 195-201. | |
268a | More on the chronology of Celtic sound changes. In: 272, 361-364. | |
268e | More on the chronology of Celtic sound changes (World Wide Web [pdf], 2010). | |
[2010] | ||
269 | An outline of Proto-Indo-European. In: 272, 37-45. | |
269e | An outline of Proto-Indo-European (World Wide Web [pdf], 2010). | |
270 | Lithuanian žinóti 'to know'. Baltistica 45/1 (2010), 81-84. | |
271 | Schleicher's fable. In: 272, 47-50. | |
271e | Schleicher's fable (World Wide Web [pdf], 2013). | |
272 | Studies in Germanic, Indo-European and Indo-Uralic (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010). | |
272a | Preface. In: 272, xi-xii. | |
272b | Corrections to 272. In: 275, xi. | |
273 | Where have all the aorists gone? Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 67 (2011), 143-148. | |
273a | The Proto-Germanic aorist. In: 275, 419-422. | |
274 | The Tocharian s-present. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 13 (2012), 149-151. | |
275 | Selected writings on Slavic and general linguistics (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011). | |
275a | Preface. In: 275, ix-x. | |
276 | Balto-Slavic o-grade presents. Baltistica 7 priedas (2011): Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on Balto-Slavic accentology, 129-132. |
[2011] | ||
277 | Balto-Slavic reconstruction: a clarification. Baltistica 46/1 (2011), 39-42. | |
278 | On the orthography of the Old Prussian texts. Baltistica 46/2 (2011), 225-232. |
279 | On Derksen's law and related issues. Baltistica 47/1 (2012), 5-14. | |
279e | On Derksen's law and related issues (World Wide Web [pdf], 2012). | |
[2012] | ||
280 | Palatovelars before syllabic resonants: another look. Baltistica 48/1 (2013), 13-17. | |
281 | Dominance and monophthongization: method versus insight. Baltistica 47/2 (2012), 255-259. | |
282 | Proto-Indo-European glottalic stops: The evidence revisited. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 71/1 (2018), 147-153. | |
282e | Proto-Indo-European glottalic stops: The evidence revisited (World Wide Web [pdf], 2012). | |
283 | The early chronology of long vowels in Balto-Slavic. Baltistica 47/2 (2012), 249-254. | |
283e | The early chronology of long vowels in Balto-Slavic (World Wide Web [pdf], 2012). | |
284 | Balto-Slavic personal pronouns and their accentuation. Baltistica 48/1 (2013), 5-11. | |
284e | Balto-Slavic personal pronouns and their accentuation (World Wide Web [pdf], 2012). | |
285 | The Slovene neo-circumflex revisited. Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 38/1 (2012), 117-122. | |
286 | Sigmatic and asigmatic long vowel preterit forms. Journal of Indo-European Studies 43 (2015), 236-242. | |
286e | Sigmatic and asigmatic long vowel preterit forms (World Wide Web [pdf], 2012). | |
[2013] | ||
287 | The development of the Tocharian vowel system. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14 (2013), 95-104. | |
288 | Proto-Slavic *j, Van Wijk’s law, and ē-stems. Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 41/1 (2015), 65-76. | |
288e | Proto-Slavic *j, Van Wijk’s law, and ē-stems (World Wide Web [pdf], 2013). | |
289 | The Tocharian personal endings. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 15 (2014), 79-86. | |
290 | The origins of Balto-Slavic accentual mobility. Baltistica 48/2 (2013), 219-223. | |
290e | The origins of Balto-Slavic accentual mobility (World Wide Web [pdf], 2016). | |
[2014] | ||
291 | On the accentuation of neslъ and related issues. Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 40/1 (2014), 127-131. | |
292 | Reconstructing Balto-Slavic and Indo-European. Baltistica 49/1 (2014), 5-13. | |
292e | Reconstructing Balto-Slavic and Indo-European (World Wide Web [pdf], 2014). | |
293 | Metatony in monosyllables. Baltistica 49/2 (2014), 217-224. | |
293e | Metatony in monosyllables (World Wide Web [pdf], 2014). | |
294 | The development of vowel length in Slavic. Jezikoslovni Zapiski 21/2 (2015), 21-30. | |
294e | The development of vowel length in Slavic (World Wide Web [pdf], 2014). | |
295 | Thematic and athematic present endings in Balto-Slavic and Indo-European. Baltistica 50/1 (2015), 5-17. | |
295e | Thematic and athematic present endings in Balto-Slavic and Indo-European (World Wide Web [pdf], 2016). | |
[2015] | ||
296 | Tocharian ē-grade verb forms. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 16 (2015), 51-59. | |
297 | Indo-European o-grade presents and the Anatolian hi-conjugation. The precursors of Proto-Indo-European (Leiden: Brill Rodopi, 2019), 102-110. | |
297e | Indo-European o-grade presents and the Anatolian hi-conjugation (World Wide Web [pdf], 2015). | |
298 | Gothic phonology. Journal of Indo-European Studies 49 (2021), 381-394. | |
298e | Gothic phonology (World Wide Web [pdf], 2021). | |
299 | The development of the sigmatic aorist in Armenian. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana 14/1 (2018), 149-152. | |
300 | The inflexion of the Indo-European o-stems in Balto-Slavic. Baltistica 51/1 (2016), 87-96. | |
300e | The inflexion of the Indo-European o-stems in Balto-Slavic (World Wide Web [pdf], 2016). | |
301 | Slavic i-verbs, imperfect, and jā-stem nouns. Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 42/1 (2016), 75-81. | |
301e | Slavic i-verbs, imperfect, and jā-stem nouns (World Wide Web [pdf], 2016). | |
[2016] | ||
302 | The Indo-European k-aorist. Farnah [Fs. Lubotsky] (Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press, 2018), 137-142. | |
302e | The Indo-European k-aorist (World Wide Web [pdf], 2016). | |
303 | Baltic, Slavic, Germanic. Baltistica 51/1 (2016), 81-86. | |
304 | More evidence for Proto-Indo-European glottalic stops. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 71/1 (2018), 153-158. | |
305 | Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian. Baltistica 51/2 (2016), 355-364. | |
306 | Phrygian between Greek and Armenian. Linguistique Balkanique / Balkansko Ezikoznanie 55/2 (2016), 249-255. | |
307 | On the relative chronology of Slavic consonantal developments. Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 42/2 (2016), 465-469. | |
308 | On the rise of neo-acute *e and *o. Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 42/2 (2016), 471-482. | |
309 | On method. Baltistica 52/1 (2017), 33-45. | |
[2017] | ||
310 | What is Stang's law? Baltistica 52/1 (2017), 73-80. | |
311 | A note on the Old Prussian epigram. Baltistica 53/2 (2018), 327-329. | |
312 | The origins of the Slavic aorist. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 44: Dutch contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Linguistics (2020), 187-193. | |
312e | The origins of the Slavic aorist (World Wide Web [pdf], 2018). | |
313 | Proto-Indo-European glottalic consonants. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 71/1 (2018), 147-160. | |
314 | On the origin of grammatical gender. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 18 (2017), 95-104. | |
315 | Old Irish absolute and conjunct endings and related issues. Journal of Indo-European Studies 47 (2019), 241-257. | |
316 | The disintegration of the Indo-European language family. Etymologus [Fs. Blažek] (Hamburg: Baar, 2020), 267-276. | |
316e | The disintegration of the Indo-European language family (World Wide Web [pdf], 2021). | |
317 | Old English and Old Frisian. Us Wurk 66 (2017), 122-127. | |
318 | Anglo-Frisian 'here', 'there', 'where'. Us Wurk 67 (2018), 97-103. | |
319 | Proto-Baltic? Baltistica 53/2 (2018), 175-185. | |
[2018] | ||
320 | Relative chronology. (ms.) | |
320e | Relative chronology (World Wide Web [pdf], 2018). | |
321 | Rise and fall of vowel length in Slavic. Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 44/1 (2018), 287-297. | |
321e | Rise and fall of vowel length in Slavic (World Wide Web [pdf], 2018). | |
322 | The expansion of the Indo-European languages. Journal of Indo-European Studies 46 (2018), 219-231. | |
322e | The expansion of the Indo-European languages (World Wide Web [pdf], 2021). | |
323 | Active participles in Baltic. Baltistica 53/1 (2018), 17-19. | |
324 | Balto-Slavic acute. Baltistica 53/1 (2018), 69-77. | |
324e | Balto-Slavic acute (World Wide Web [pdf], 2019). | |
325 | The Balto-Slavic word for ‘crane’ and its cognates. Baltistica 53/1 (2018), 113-115. | |
326 | On the reconstruction of Proto-Uralic. Petri Kallio rocks (Helsinki: Kallion etymologiseura, 2019), 11-14. | |
327 | Pedersen’s law and the rise of distinctive tone in Baltic and Slavic. Baltistica 53/2 (2018), 293-301. | |
327e | Pedersen’s law and the rise of distinctive tone in Baltic and Slavic (World Wide Web [pdf], 2019). | |
328 | Tocharian B ste, star- ‘is’, skente, skentar- ‘are’, Lyuke wmer ra [Fs. Pinault] (Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press, 2021), 305-307. | |
329 | Indo-European and its neighbors. Journal of Indo-European Studies 47 (2019), 143-147. | |
[2019] | ||
330 | Van Wijk’s law and questions of relative chronology. Baltistica 54/1 (2019), 29-34. | |
331 | Baltic ē-stems revisited. Baltistica 55/1 (2020), 43-47. | |
332 | Aprioristic versus empirical linguistics: the case of Balto-Slavic accentuation. Baltistica 54/1 (2019), 105-112. | |
333 | Final diphthongs in Baltic and Slavic. Scando-Slavica 65/2 (2019), 306-309. | |
334 | Indo-European between Uralic and Caucasian. Journal of Indo-European Studies 47 (2019), 383-388. | |
335 | Bibliography 1969–2019 | |
336 | Concordance of republished articles | |
337 | List of criticized publications | |
338 | Index of publications (1969–2019) | |
339 | The prehistory of the Slavic vowel system. Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 46/1 (2020), 133-140. | |
340 | Inherent versus configurational features. Baltistica 54/2 (2019), 199-204 | |
[2020] | ||
341 | On Šaxmatov’s law. Zbornik za Filologiju i Lingvistiku 63/1 (2020), 7-9. | |
342 | How I discovered Proto-Indo-European glottalic stops. Journal of Indo-European Studies 49 (2021), 1-12. | |
342e | How I discovered Proto-Indo-European glottalic stops (World Wide Web [pdf], 2021). | |
343 | The ergative in Anatolian and Proto-Indo-European. Journal of Indo-European Studies 48 (2020), 313-318. | |
344 | The origin of grammatical gender in Tocharian and Indo-European. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 20 (2020), 113-124. | |
345 | A note on long vowel preterits. Baltistica 55/2 (2020), 379. | |
346 | The dissolution of the Eurasiatic macrofamily. (ms.) | |
346e | The dissolution of the Eurasiatic macrofamily (World Wide Web [pdf], 2021). | |
347 | New Indo-European and Balto-Slavic studies (Düren: Shaker, 2021). | |
[2021] | ||
348 | Personal and impersonal sentences in Lithuanian and Proto-Indo-European. Baltìstikos platýbėse [Fs. Stundžia] (Vilniaus Universiteto Leidykla, 2022), 239-242. | |
[2022] | ||
349 | What is the origin of the Balto-Slavic acute? Baltistica 57/2 (2022), 359-361. |